An Antidote for Coronavirus Learning Loss

Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic and the wave of changes it’s caused, there’s a lot we don’t know – especially where school is concerned. One thing we have learned from the summer slide is that, even in typical times, kids lose some academic progress when there is an extended break from school. With months of […]
[JUNE] Summer Camp Weeks Added at Grasmere Location

New June Summer STE(A)M Adventure Topics June 12th – 16th – Natural Science June 19th – 23rd – Earth Science June 26th – 30th – Creativity Half Day Summer Program for Students 3-5 year old Schedule 9:00am – 10:00am Academic Enrichment (for 4-5 year old’s) Handwriting Without Tears (3 year old’s) 10:00am – 12:00pm STEAM […]
FasTracKids & BoomKidz; Together in Charleston (Staten Island)

Its official. BoomKidz is now a partner and will be part of the 2017 Charleston, Staten Island Summer Camp program! Our Summer STE(A)M Adventure is already great, now this to top it off? How cool. We are thrilled to partner with BoomKidz, a multi-purpose activity center in the shopping center adjacent to our Charleston […]
How to Keep Your Child on the Learning Path This Summer

Summer is supposed to be fun – a break from the daily school routine that takes up the rest of the year. When the final bell rings sometime in May, most kids want to slack off for three months before begrudgingly picking up their backpacks and heading to the bus stop in August. But summer […]
Brand New ‘Super Kids Camp’ in Staten Island, Willowbrook!

Our Staten Island Willowbrook location has teamed up with two other exciting camp programs for 2017! We are pleased to announce the Super Kids Camp! Exclusively at the Willowbrook location. Kids can be super creative, super smart, and super fit! This is the only summer camp on Staten Island where kids can get a well-rounded variety […]