At FasTracKids®, we believe in developing the WHOLE child. It’s not IF your child is smart; it’s HOW your child is smart! This simple statement guides everything we do at FasTracKids, but we can’t take credit for the idea. Our approach to learning has been influenced in significant ways by Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple …
Want your child to be a high performing student in school? The best way to excel academically is to ensure that the students develop a sound foundation from the very start. The longer parents wait to deal with a stressful struggling student, the more difficult the process gets to help achieve success. The goal should …
Dear Parents & Families, After reading this article about handwriting on, I decided to post a write a response. Young children should be encouraged to write from an early age. Early scribbles are valuable first steps to help your child develop their fine motor skills. In addition you want to make sure that your …
by Michelle Fama, Head Teacher at FasTracKids Staten Island, Grasmere Our Fastrackids core program lays the foundation for future success on the gifted and talented test because it gives a child an advantage to learn skills, engage and build upon their cognitive, emotional and social development. All children are born with a set of gifts and talents and Fastrackids provide the …
By Ruchi Nagar, Education Director FasTrackids, Rego Park, Queens FasTracKids centers throughout New York have been providing dedicated educational excellence for over thirteen years. These centers offer a unique combination of science and gifted & talented programs, fun educational summer camps, and academic Math & English tutoring afterschool and on the weekend to help students perform at an …
by: Ruchi Nagar, Educational Curriculum Expert Rego Park FasTracKids Develops Gifted & Talented Capabilities of Children Parents are always looking for the best available learning programs for their children. There is little doubt that children are naturally born with unique creative abilities that must be fully reinforced and developed at an early age to insure success in the …
Reading through this article How to Give Toddlers an Academic “Edge” by Richard Rende, PhD, (link removed after publishing) we were amazed at the parallels between FasTracKids’ programming and the points mentioned by the author. Our NYC area tutoring and enrichment programs delve deep into your child’s imagination, playfully expanding their academic growth and interest …
In a recent Chicago Tribune article, GoldieBlox’s CEO Debbie Sterling says to “Introduce girls to STEM at an early age through toys and media[…]” She says this because 66 percent of fourth-grade girls say they like science and math, but only 18 percent of all college engineering majors are female. Women are capable of performing the same work that …
Increasingly, schools are trying to re-integrate play into kindergartens as noted by a recent NY Times article, “Kindergartens Ringing the Bell for Play Inside the Classroom”. Our pre-school alternative is way ahead of the competition. Incorporating fun and learning is at the core of our tutoring and enrichment programs. What we hold true at FasTracKids is …
In addition to exposing children to 12 academic areas, our focus on developing the 5 c’s of learning is what sets our program apart from all other early childhood programs. Creativity Communication Collaboration Critical Thinking Confidence These are otherwise known as the FasTracKids Advantages. The same skills are also part of what it takes …