An Antidote for Coronavirus Learning Loss

Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic and the wave of changes it’s caused, there’s a lot we don’t know – especially where school is concerned. One thing we have learned from the summer slide is that, even in typical times, kids lose some academic progress when there is an extended break from school. With months of […]
Cursive’s Classroom Comeback

Don’t believe the myth. Cursive hasn’t gone the way of the dinosaurs. Handwriting might be facing a crisis, but it’s not extinct just yet. It’s true. In the United States and all over the world, penmanship is being abandoned. In a fast-paced world full of touchscreens and artificial intelligence, many people find it hard to […]
How G&T 101 Builds Language Skills in Toddlers and Preschoolers

Parents: Do you want your child growing up with strong language and verbal communication skills? Of course you do! Communication and language is one of the pillars of society. One must be able to converse with others to be a functioning member of society. Some enrichment programs may touch on language, but language and verbal […]
The Great Debate Over Cursive Handwriting

Handwriting has played a huge role in our lives on a day to day basis. The best part about it is that your handwriting can often be a reflection of your personality as well. In fact, it’s one of the few skills we learn in school that is still relevant to this day. However, it […]
Read What This Queens NYC Principal Wrote About G&T 101

Ever wondered what public or private schools think of our G&T 101: Gifted & Talented program? We just received a glowing review from Principal Brody at P.S. 87 Queens. The NYC Principal attended two days of training on the FasTracKids program and met Amy, Marketing Director of FasTracKids International. Principal Brody writes: The material is sophisticated yet presented in […]
Top Gifted & Talented Test Prep Course for OLSAT in NYC

Our G&T 101 class prepares children for the OLSAT portion of the NYC Gifted & Talented Entrance Exam better than any other class in the city! The importance of preparing for the OLSAT portion of the test. Over my many years of preparing children for entrance into NYC’s top schools, we have seen thousands of scores […]
Going Back To School in New York City and Brooklyn 2016

As New York City goes back to school, here at we’ve been preparing for students new and returning. Our Fall 2016 offerings are our best yet. While we were wrapping up a record-setting summer, we launched our Gifted & Talented Readiness Quiz. This is a free tool to help parents determine if their child […]
Nannies & Preschool

Our sister site, Park Slope Preschool, posted an intriguing response to a Park Slope Stoop article on nannies. Click here to read the response.
Why Love FasTracKids? Ask Russian Parents.

A message from Franco, owner of Park Slope, and 3 Staten Island FasTracKids Centers. A Russian family that enrolled in our Park Slope center pointed out to me that they attended Fastrackids and that it is the most prominent daycare in Moscow, Russia. They pointed out to me this very cute and accurate commercial that […]
Why Children Should Learn to Write Earlier Than You Think

Dear Parents & Families, After reading this article about handwriting on, I decided to post a write a response. Young children should be encouraged to write from an early age. Early scribbles are valuable first steps to help your child develop their fine motor skills. In addition you want to make sure that your […]