An Antidote for Coronavirus Learning Loss

Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic and the wave of changes it’s caused, there’s a lot we don’t know – especially where school is concerned. One thing we have learned from the summer slide is that, even in typical times, kids lose some academic progress when there is an extended break from school. With months of […]
FasTrack Tots: A Gradual Separation Mommy and Me Class for Toddlers

Don’t put off preschool! When 2 and 3-year-old children resist separation or have anxiety about preschool, parents often consider putting off school for another year. But studies show that 1/3 of intellectual skills are developed by age 6! This makes the pre-kindergarten years an opportunity for you to make the most of your young child’s […]
Prepare your girls for the future with Math & STEAM+ classes!

A recent round of testing shows that American girls are rocking their STE(A)M classes and mastering technical material. On the 2018 Technology and Engineering Literacy Assessment, given to 15,400 eighth-graders from about 600 public and private schools across the country, girls scored an average of five points higher than boys. Girls also showed greater improvement over […]
FasTracKids Summer STEAM Featured on Japanese TV

The team at FTKNY (FasTracKids NY) recently had the honor of speaking with an international TV network for a feature showcasing our supplemental STEAM education programs on Japanese television. Thanks to an abundance of emerging opportunity for technical talent worldwide, parents and educators around the world have begun looking to America for insight on STEAM […]
At-Home STEM Enrichment: Groovy Lab in a Box

Here at FasTracKids, we’re always on the lookout for better and more diverse opportunities for parents to increase their kids’ exposure to educational experiences – especially when it comes to STE(A)M. We also believe that learning should be fun. For these reasons, we’re excited to share our new partnership with Groovy Lab in a Box. […]
STE(A)M + Soft Skills

Sometimes people ask us why we do this. Why education? Why kids? Why America? Every now and again, a story emerges in the mainstream media to which we can point and say, “That’s why.” Recently, explored the reasons why talented millennials get fired. Education leader Trevor Muir then distilled the 11 reasons they identified […]
How to Build an Engineer: Start Young

Can you imagine? Today’s parents can’t even envision the specifics of the jobs our children will pursue – the jobs for which are so dedicated to preparing them. But we do know that the high-paying jobs of tomorrow’s American economy will be overwhelmingly engineering intensive. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, engineering is expected […]
Report Highlights Importance of Affordable Supplemental Education in NYC!

A Spike in Failures The end of 2018 brought to a close the first five years of Common Core standards in New York high schools. After an initial drop in Regents exam pass rates, we thought we were out of the woods. Beginning in 2014-15, Common Core’s second year, scores improved and remained stable. Now, […]
Prep for NYCS Gifted Testing

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article exploring the lengths to which some parents will go to improve their children’s performance in NYC gifted-and-talented testing. While this piece raises some relevant issues, it fails to provide alternative solutions to gaps in public education and to the intensely competitive state of the city’s G&T education […]
An NYC G&T Success Story

FasTracKids is a gifted program (for gifted and potentially gifted students) designed to enhance the further intellectual development of naturally curious 3-to 7-year-olds. This STEAM+ Enrichment program is the culmination of years of research and has garnered a track record of proven successes in helping children achieve outstanding results in school and beyond! A Broad […]