Preparing Preschoolers for an Automated Economy
What will the job market look like in 20 years? Our answers to this question will shape our children’s educations, and much earlier than many parents would like to think. In a recent article on The Upshot, The New York Times explored the conundrum of preparing preschoolers for an automated future economy that we can’t […]
Cashing in on (Distant Future) College Majors
Today’s Money-Making Majors The Cashlorette recently published an interesting (Depressing? Terrifying?) piece listing the top five most (monetarily) valuable college majors of 2017. The dismal pay associated with the top five least valuable degrees makes an appearance as well. It’s not hard to guess what the bullets on each of those lists have in common. […]
Preschool Math Performance Can Predict Academic Achievement
We’ve long known what popular research is starting to uncover: STEAM/STEM learning at an early age exponentially improves your child’s academic performance throughout life! Remember that new research from Joan Ganz Cooney Center? Seems like word is spreading… We just discovered this article about preschools in Minneapolis starting to teach STEM/STEAM because the research shows […]
What’s That Sound? It’s FUNIKIJAM at Park Slope FasTracKids!
FunikiJam is a fun, immersive musical experience for your child. FunikiJam comes to FasTracKids’ Park Slope location every Thursday to entertain and explore the sounds and sights of music and dance through fun and playful activities. Your child will socialize with adults and peers during the one-hour musical lesson. Funikijam is included with all Park […]
Talk to your Infant. Talk Early, Talk Often.
Talking to your baby early and often establishes stable foundation for listening and speaking, according to the BBC News. Babies can understand what you say to them. Well, ok, not quite. But infants do comprehend and ingrain their ‘birth’ language, according to a recent article in the BBC News. The study indicated in the first […]
Just Announced: FasTracKids’ 2nd Annual Engineering Week (February 19-25)
Anything that is built must first be engineered, or planned out. An engineer is a person who designs and builds complex products, machines, systems, or structures. Engineers want to know how and why things work. They have scientific training that they use to make practical things. Engineers often specialize in a specific branch of engineering. […]
FasTracKids Preschoolers Get Sick Less Frequently than Full Day UPK programs, Parents Say
We learned about a customer that had sent her child to UPK for 4 months. She ended up pulling her daughter out of FREE UPK because her daughter was always sick and was regressing from what she had learned at FasTracKids. FasTracKids educational preschool eliminates the need to send sick children to class or daycare. […]
How G&T 101 Builds Language Skills in Toddlers and Preschoolers
Parents: Do you want your child growing up with strong language and verbal communication skills? Of course you do! Communication and language is one of the pillars of society. One must be able to converse with others to be a functioning member of society. Some enrichment programs may touch on language, but language and verbal […]
Nannies & Preschool
Our sister site, Park Slope Preschool, posted an intriguing response to a Park Slope Stoop article on nannies. Click here to read the response.
FasTracKids: The Best Learning Program for Success in School and Life
by: Ruchi Nagar, Educational Curriculum Expert Rego Park FasTracKids Develops Gifted & Talented Capabilities of Children Parents are always looking for the best available learning programs for their children. There is little doubt that children are naturally born with unique creative abilities that must be fully reinforced and developed at an early age to insure success in the […]