Prepare your girls for the future with Math & STEAM+ classes!

girl in stem enrichment

A recent round of testing shows that American girls are rocking their STE(A)M classes and mastering technical material. On the 2018 Technology and Engineering Literacy Assessment, given to 15,400 eighth-graders from about 600 public and private schools across the country, girls scored an average of five points higher than boys. Girls also showed greater improvement over […]

At-Home STEM Enrichment: Groovy Lab in a Box

at home steam enrichment activity

Here at FasTracKids, we’re always on the lookout for better and more diverse opportunities for parents to increase their kids’ exposure to educational experiences – especially when it comes to STE(A)M. We also believe that learning should be fun. For these reasons, we’re excited to share our new partnership with Groovy Lab in a Box. […]

How to Build an Engineer: Start Young

Can you imagine? Today’s parents can’t even envision the specifics of the jobs our children will pursue – the jobs for which are so dedicated to preparing them. But we do know that the high-paying jobs of tomorrow’s American economy will be overwhelmingly engineering intensive. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, engineering is expected […]

Teaching Science Takes Confidence

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As the parent of a preschooler, you might expect all the core subject areas to get equal instruction time in the classroom. New research out of Michigan State University, however, reveals that reading, writing, and arithmetic are getting a lot more attention than science. More importantly, researchers have found the quality and quantity of science […]