Prepare your girls for the future with Math & STEAM+ classes!

girl in stem enrichment

A recent round of testing shows that American girls are rocking their STE(A)M classes and mastering technical material. On the 2018 Technology and Engineering Literacy Assessment, given to 15,400 eighth-graders from about 600 public and private schools across the country, girls scored an average of five points higher than boys. Girls also showed greater improvement over […]

FasTracKids Summer STEAM Featured on Japanese TV

The team at FTKNY (FasTracKids NY) recently had the honor of speaking with an international TV network for a feature showcasing our supplemental STEAM education programs on Japanese television. Thanks to an abundance of emerging opportunity for technical talent worldwide, parents and educators around the world have begun looking to America for insight on STEAM […]

At-Home STEM Enrichment: Groovy Lab in a Box

at home steam enrichment activity

Here at FasTracKids, we’re always on the lookout for better and more diverse opportunities for parents to increase their kids’ exposure to educational experiences – especially when it comes to STE(A)M. We also believe that learning should be fun. For these reasons, we’re excited to share our new partnership with Groovy Lab in a Box. […]

How to Build an Engineer: Start Young

Can you imagine? Today’s parents can’t even envision the specifics of the jobs our children will pursue – the jobs for which are so dedicated to preparing them. But we do know that the high-paying jobs of tomorrow’s American economy will be overwhelmingly engineering intensive. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, engineering is expected […]

Learning Loss: A Summer Opportunity

summer camps nyc

It’s a perplexing problem; American students have the longest summer break of any industrialized country. Summertime parental stress is on the rise while kids’ learning retention is decreasing. Studies show that students lose the knowledge equivalent of one month of instruction per year because of summer learning loss. Yet large-scale solutions evade American schools, teachers, and […]

Preparing Preschoolers for an Automated Economy

park sope preschool & ume ume music and arts

What will the job market look like in 20 years? Our answers to this question will shape our children’s educations, and much earlier than many parents would like to think. In a recent article on The Upshot, The New York Times explored the conundrum of preparing preschoolers for an automated future economy that we can’t […]

Cashing in on (Distant Future) College Majors

preparing for popular college majors

Today’s Money-Making Majors The Cashlorette recently published an interesting (Depressing? Terrifying?) piece listing the top five most (monetarily) valuable college majors of 2017. The dismal pay associated with the top five least valuable degrees makes an appearance as well. It’s not hard to guess what the bullets on each of those lists have in common. […]

New Study Confirms FasTracKids Preschool Leads The Way

preschool class in queens ny

We’ve long known how powerful exposing children to academics at a young age can be for their scholastic growth. We’ve written several articles about it over the last few months. Finally, more and more educators and schools are catching on to the STEAM phenomenon – realizing that teaching early childhood Math, English Engineering and more […]

Preschool Math Performance Can Predict Academic Achievement

preschool math program

We’ve long known what popular research is starting to uncover: STEAM/STEM learning at an early age exponentially improves your child’s academic performance throughout life! Remember that new research from Joan Ganz Cooney Center? Seems like word is spreading… We just discovered this article about preschools in Minneapolis starting to teach STEM/STEAM because the research shows […]

Just Announced: FasTracKids’ 2nd Annual Engineering Week (February 19-25)

fastrackids engineering week in new york city and brooklyn STEM steam for kids

Anything that is built must first be engineered, or planned out. An engineer is a person who designs and builds complex products, machines, systems, or structures. Engineers want to know how and why things work. They have scientific training that they use to make practical things. Engineers often specialize in a specific branch of engineering. […]