Children are born scientists with curious minds, they investigate every facet of life.
FasTracKids takes advantage of a child’s natural curiosity and investigative nature and inspires their minds to explore the world around them. Our FasTracKids Science Enrichment Class is Designed for children ages 6-8 years old (1st – 3rd Grade).
By using hands-on, interactive, inquiry based approach to teaching, FasTracKids inspires children to discover the wonders of Science. Our goal is to make learning exciting and “Cleverly Disguised as Fun!” Children work in collaborative groups and are encouraged to communicate their findings through video-taped presentations. They develop superb skills and bring that enthusiasm and knowledge home with them so the learning continues.
New for 2017! Computer Coding
Young scientists will explore what makes it possible for us to create computer software, apps and websites. In this unit students will be introduced to conditionals, algorithms and debugging. They’ll participate in online and “unplugged” activities. The hands on activities are designed to encourage problem solving as students are introduced to the science of computer coding.
Topics Covered
Earth Science: Treasures of the Earth
Astronomy: Exploring the Cosmos
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What’s the Matter?
Our FasTrack scientist will explore the mysteries of molecules and magnets. Students will perform experiments and connect with various on-line media in order understand the scientific building blocks of our world.
Biology: Life and Ecology Lab
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Water Wonders
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Technology: Bytes & Bots
Young scientists today are surrounded by technology. In this unit, students will develop a the technology that exists all around them every day . Young scientists enrolled in this unit will explore the advances in medical technology and understand how to prepare for future inventions. In another section, students become civil engineers and design streets, bridges and railways as they discover the wonders of technology in transportation.
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