Our G&T 101 class prepares children for the OLSAT portion of the NYC Gifted & Talented Entrance Exam better than any other class in the city!
The importance of preparing for the OLSAT portion of the test. Over my many years of preparing children for entrance into NYC’s top schools, we have seen thousands of scores come back from families. The majority of these scores scored very high on the NNAT2 portion with 90s and 100s, but where children had the greatest degree of difficulty was on OLSAT. Where they were scoring 30s. The OLSAT is the most demanding portion of the test because it requires a child to understand concepts and vocabulary in which the child has most likely never been exposed to. Furthermore the OLSAT requires the child to concentrate and follow directions carefully and think critically, understand global concepts and a high vocabulary.
The correct answer was a dinosaur, but the child circled the giraffe.
This is exactly the type of learning that does not exist in most preschool education programs. Over the years, families have been in denial and want to believe that their child is getting this type of stimulation from preschool. They truly are not. This is all hoping that somehow miraculously their child will understand everything on the test.
Another example, recently while doing a mock test on a 4 year old student the teacher asked “Please circle the picture of the animal that is extinct” The correct answer was a dinosaur, but the child circled the giraffe. This may seem silly but this is the type of knowledge and vocabulary that is lost on children. This is the exactly what the child needs to have by the time they take the test.
FasTracKids fully understands this component of gifted learning. As it is implemented, Howard Gardner’s “multiple intelligence” approach in its early childhood enrichment programs. Our program G&T 101 develops exactly the skills necessary to do well on the OLSAT portion of the exam.
Written by FTKny.com founder Franco Verdino.
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