Top Gifted & Talented Test Prep Course for OLSAT in NYC

math tutoring nyc brooklyn staten island

Our G&T 101 class prepares children for the OLSAT portion of the NYC Gifted & Talented Entrance Exam better than any other class in the city!  The importance of preparing for the OLSAT portion of the test. Over my many years of preparing children for entrance into NYC’s top schools, we have seen thousands of scores […]

Help Your Child Excel (Now That The G&T Test Is Over)

gifted and talented nyc brooklyn

Gifted and Talented programs in NYC are quite rigorous and fast paced. The regular class may go through a chapter of math in one month while the gifted class may do so in two weeks. If your child is not ahead academically then that means in a gifted class they are behind. Children entering kindergarten (the new 1st Grade) […]