How to Develop the 5 Essential Mathematical Concepts During Early Childhood
Did you know that children start using math throughout their daily routines and activities during early childhood without actually realizing it? This doesn’t mean that they can comprehend mathematical concepts and consciously apply them, but rather means that they can understand the basic concepts of numbers, quantities and shapes through every day activities such as […]
Cause For Alarm: US Ranks at Bottom of Industrialized Nations in Math
A recent article on the Hechinger Report states that “the math achievement of American high school students in 2015 fell for the second time in a row in a major international benchmark, pushing the U.S. down to the bottom half of 72 nations who participate in the international ‘Program for International Student Assessment’ or PISA.” […]
Math in The Morning
In keeping our finger on the pulse of education, we’ve come across a few articles expressing that the U.S. is slipping in Math performance on the international stage. We think there is much room for improvement – here is regional director Franco Verdino on the topic: When we run our summer programs, we always have […]
Our Country is Falling Behind in Math & Reading
In this recent read on the global education race, it seems that the US is still not moving in the right direction. So to cut to the chase, what can you do as an individual or family to ensure your child is progressing their academic skills at an appropriate pace? According to this article on […]
FasTracKids’ Offers Early Age STEM Classes
In a recent Chicago Tribune article, GoldieBlox’s CEO Debbie Sterling says to “Introduce girls to STEM at an early age through toys and media[…]” She says this because 66 percent of fourth-grade girls say they like science and math, but only 18 percent of all college engineering majors are female. Women are capable of performing the same work that […]