Dear FasTracKids Families,
I get asked quite often what are the signs of a gifted child. Here’s a list of the most common attributes of an academically gifted child! If your child has more than 10 of these signs it might be a good idea to get him or her tested by a professional.
1. Reasons well (good thinker)
2. Learns rapidly
3. Has extensive vocabulary
4. Has an excellent memory
5. Has a long attention span (if interested)
6. Sensitive (feelings hurt easily)
7. Shows compassion
8. Perfectionistic
9. Intense
10. Morally sensitive
11. Has strong curiosity
12. Perseverant in their interests
13. Has high degree of energy
14. Prefers older companions or adults
15. Has a wide range of interests
16. Has a great sense of humor
17. Early or avid reader (if too young to read, loves being read to)
18. Concerned with justice, fairness
19. Judgment mature for age at times
20. Is a keen observer
21. Has a vivid imagination
22. Is highly creative
23. Tends to question authority
24. Has facility with numbers
25. Good at jigsaw puzzles
Source: Gifted Development Center, Dr. Linda Silverman
At FasTracKids we have a number of programs that can engage your “Gifted” learner including:
(click on the programs below to learn more)
G&T 102: Gifted & Talented Test Prep (Ages 3-7)
G&T 101: Gifted & Talented Program (Ages 3-7)
Eye Level Math & Critical Thinking (Ages 4-14)
FasTracKids Science Program (Ages 6-8)
ERB Test Prep Ages (Ages 4-10)
Summer Enrichment (Ages 2-10)
(combines Eye Level with FasTracKids Core & Science)
- The FasTacKids curriculum was developed in conjunction with Dr. Johann DeBeer, an internationally renowned expert in gifted & talented education.
- This is a computer-integrated (Smart Boards) learning program for potentially gifted children. This technologically advanced program challenges your child to think productively, while simultaneously developing his/her speaking, communication and leadership skills.
- Dr. DeBeer is internationally known for his work in gifted and talented education. He is recognized for his contributions to higher education for elevating performance standards for children of all ages. He holds a degree in literature (linguistics) and education philosophy, as well as a master’s degree in clinical psychology. DeBeer has served as an educational consultant and adviser to a number of governments.
- The FasTracKids curriculum was developed by DeBeer over a period spanning 2 decades –during which he helped develop enrichment courses for thousands of children worldwide.
- The FasTracKids program is now available in over 52 countries!