Dear Parents & Families, After reading this article about handwriting on, I decided to post a write a response. Young children should be encouraged to write from an early age. Early scribbles are valuable first steps to help your child develop their fine motor skills. In addition you want to make sure that your …
Our new website, was featured on Park Slope Stoop! Head over to the Stoop to read the full article.
Wondering how to Prepare for the NYC Gifted and Talented Test? What is the NYC Gifted and Talented Test? It’s important for parents to understand the intent and content of the G&T test to best prepare their child for the entrance exam. The New York City Gifted and Talented (G&T) Entrance Exam consists of two …
In this recent read on the global education race, it seems that the US is still not moving in the right direction. So to cut to the chase, what can you do as an individual or family to ensure your child is progressing their academic skills at an appropriate pace? According to this article on …
by Michelle Fama, Head Teacher at FasTracKids Staten Island, Grasmere Our Fastrackids core program lays the foundation for future success on the gifted and talented test because it gives a child an advantage to learn skills, engage and build upon their cognitive, emotional and social development. All children are born with a set of gifts and talents and Fastrackids provide the …
Gifted and Talented programs in NYC are quite rigorous and fast paced. The regular class may go through a chapter of math in one month while the gifted class may do so in two weeks. If your child is not ahead academically then that means in a gifted class they are behind. Children entering kindergarten (the new 1st Grade) …