7 signs your child is gifted

We discovered this article on CafeMom.com and figured it would be beneficial to our readers. According to psychologist Devon MacEachron, PhD, when parents suspect that their child may be gifted, often they are correct. 

A specialist in assessing children who are gifted, MacEachron provides some broad traits that are exhibited in children who are often identified as gifted.  In addition to being deeply observant, gifted kids tend to have some of the following six signs:

If these qualities sound like your child, our G&T 101 Gifted & Talented Program is a great fit for them.  Studies show that a common issue with gifted children is that they can get bored in regular classroom settings and may act out.  That is a good indicator, according to Dixon, that your child may need a more rigorous classroom setting.  Our program provides that.

Gifted students have special needs.  They require a more quickly paced and in-depth instruction.  Some schools have gifted programs which students can test into  – something that our G&T 102 Gited & Talented Test Prep can help with. If their school does not, a good pair of options is having your child enroll in our G&T 101 or summer programs that have a curriculum designed for gifted children.  While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all blueprint for the development of gifted children, what is important is that parents find ways to satisfy their child’s sense of curiosity and embrace it.

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