Prepare your girls for the future with Math & STEAM+ classes!

girl in stem enrichment

A recent round of testing shows that American girls are rocking their STE(A)M classes and mastering technical material. On the 2018 Technology and Engineering Literacy Assessment, given to 15,400 eighth-graders from about 600 public and private schools across the country, girls scored an average of five points higher than boys. Girls also showed greater improvement over […]

Math Practice & Drilling: A Much-Needed STEM Tool

There’s been some well-publicized debate recently over the role of practice and drilling in math education. Some teaching experts say drilling could be the antidote to achievement gaps, while others warn it could stifle curiosity. For decades, we’ve been trying to decide whether teacher-directed instruction or student-centered activities are more helpful for students’ understanding of […]

How to Develop the 5 Essential Mathematical Concepts During Early Childhood

early childhood math skills

Did you know that children start using math throughout their daily routines and activities during early childhood without actually realizing it? This doesn’t mean that they can comprehend mathematical concepts and consciously apply them, but rather means that they can understand the basic concepts of numbers, quantities and shapes through every day activities such as […]

Math Still Matters, America!

math tutoring nyc brooklyn staten island

To write The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way, Amanda Ripley followed three American students as they embarked on far-flung educational experiences around the world. She set out with the aim of determining how kids in different countries learn to think and thrive in the modern economy. The resulting book […]

Preschool Math Performance Can Predict Academic Achievement

preschool math program

We’ve long known what popular research is starting to uncover: STEAM/STEM learning at an early age exponentially improves your child’s academic performance throughout life! Remember that new research from Joan Ganz Cooney Center? Seems like word is spreading… We just discovered this article about preschools in Minneapolis starting to teach STEM/STEAM because the research shows […]

Cause For Alarm: US Ranks at Bottom of Industrialized Nations in Math

NYS math readiness quiz - image by Britannica

A recent article on the Hechinger Report states that “the math achievement of American high school students in 2015 fell for the second time in a row in a major international benchmark, pushing the U.S. down to the bottom half of 72 nations who participate in the international ‘Program for International Student Assessment’ or PISA.” […]

The Importance of Early Childhood Math Education

the importance of early childhood math

Will it surprise you if I said that children are natural mathematicians? It shouldn’t. Why? Haven’t you ever seen your little ones stacking one car on top of the other? Or transferring water from one cup to the next? Or even the way they clap on your hands or play peekaboo? All these activities show […]