TACHS Test Prep
Locations In Brooklyn, Manhattan and Staten Island
What is TACHS exam prep? What does it take to ace the NYC TACHS? Here at FasTracKids, we’ve been answering those questions for over 15 years.
TACHS stands for: Test for Admission to Catholic High School. It simply takes focus and preparation for your child to ace their test.
Our classrooms provide an environment where your child can remain focused. Our teachers have proven track records and our students love to report back and tell us their high scores. Your child can achieve the same high scores when you enroll in our TACHS prep program.
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Decades Of Success

For catholic high schools within the Archdiocese of New York, the “Test for Admission into Catholic High School,” or “TACHS,” exam is used in part to determine admission.
The range of scores that schools look for varies, and some schools place more weight on the TACHS exam than others. Generally speaking, more competitive schools place more weight on your test score. The TACHS exam can also help you gain admissions into honors programs and scholarship programs within the high school.
About The TACHS Exam Questions
The TACHS is made up of 200 multiple choice questions divided into four subjects: reading, written expression, mathematics, and reasoning ability. Each section is 30-40 minutes in length. While there are no official breaks, proctors generally take a pause between subjects to allow students to prepare for the next subject. The content of the test is explained in further detail below.
Vocabulary & Reading Comprehension
Written Expression
Grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, organization, clarity, error identification
Number sense, operations, algebra, patterns, data analysis, probability, statistics, geometry, measurement
Reasoning Ability
Spatial and figural senses, problem solving skills, abstract reasoning, similarities and changes, patterns