FasTracKids’ Offers Early Age STEM Classes

girls in STEM

In a recent Chicago Tribune article, GoldieBlox’s CEO Debbie Sterling says to “Introduce girls to STEM at an early age through toys and media[…]” She says this because 66 percent of fourth-grade girls say they like science and math, but only 18 percent of all college engineering majors are female. Women are capable of performing the same work that […]

Back to Basics – Is Multitasking A Threat to Education?

We’re living in a time where “do more with less” ideology reigns supreme – but is it working for us in the long run? Are our New York City students losing the ability to focus and process relevant information? Have we placed too much faith in online and digital learning solutions? Proper online learning programs […]

Modern Education’s Place in Today’s World

Parents from all over NYC are contacting us at FasTracKids expressing concern over traditional education systems. Parents claim their children no longer have interest in communicating, having meaningful conversations, or reading. All they want to do is play with electronic gadgets and consume media. We’re here to emphasize that communication and parent teacher roles in […]

Latest Educational Technology

Published on NearSay Mon. Feb. 17th. “Changing technology is a pivotal force in New York City’s culture, society, and most importantly education. Early childhood education experts, teachers, tutors, and learning centers are strategically employing the latest technologies to inform and enhance foundational subject matter. FasTracKids / Eye Level Learning Center is one of the leading experts in […]