[JUNE] Summer Camp Weeks Added at Grasmere Location

New June Summer STE(A)M Adventure Topics June 12th – 16th – Natural Science June 19th – 23rd – Earth Science June 26th – 30th – Creativity Half Day Summer Program for Students 3-5 year old Schedule 9:00am – 10:00am Academic Enrichment (for 4-5 year old’s) Handwriting Without Tears (3 year old’s) 10:00am – 12:00pm STEAM […]
FasTracKids & BoomKidz; Together in Charleston (Staten Island)

Its official. BoomKidz is now a FTKNY.com partner and will be part of the 2017 Charleston, Staten Island Summer Camp program! Our Summer STE(A)M Adventure is already great, now this to top it off? How cool. We are thrilled to partner with BoomKidz, a multi-purpose activity center in the shopping center adjacent to our Charleston […]
Developing the Da Vinci Mind in Children with FasTracKids

Leonardo Da Vinci was viewed as one of the most brilliant minds in recorded history. At the moment of birth, every child has greater potential intelligence than Da Vinci ever used. Many of us refer to Leonardo da Vinci in our presentations to parents. He is still considered one of the world’s greatest thinkers with unparalleled […]