As you may know,  FastracKids offers a gifted and talented skills development program.  This is our core program and is, we think, the most comprehensive process for test preparation in all of NYC.  Gifted and talented tests are not easy and children need to start early – as early as 2 or 3 years old. FasTracKids New York has been offering courses and programs to develop critical thinking skills and other skills necessary for acing these tests for over 10 years.

Parents often times ask us what skills are necessary for a child to perform proficiently on these exams. A child needs to have a deeply enriched background and confidence when test time comes. Children also need sharp critical thinking and problem solving skills, excellent concentration skills and superior listening skills.

All of these skills are taught through our fun and hands on early childhood development program called FasTrackids Core program. Our core program helps develop a child’s vocabulary and concentration skills. It fosters high level brain development through an inquiry-based scientific approach. We focus on developing a child’s unique gifted and talented characteristics starting as early as age 2.

Fastrackids is the only proven research based program available in NYC for accelerating a child’s learning.   Please read more about our Wellesley College study here.