Supporting Success for Gifted Students
Would you call your child a “mathematically precocious youth”? Whether your youngster’s strength is in math, music, or public speaking, you’re likely wondering how to turn that natural gift into future success. We now know that it takes more than a “gifted” designation to predict a lifetime of positive outcomes and that school districts aren’t […]
Preparing Preschoolers for an Automated Economy
What will the job market look like in 20 years? Our answers to this question will shape our children’s educations, and much earlier than many parents would like to think. In a recent article on The Upshot, The New York Times explored the conundrum of preparing preschoolers for an automated future economy that we can’t […]
Cashing in on (Distant Future) College Majors
Today’s Money-Making Majors The Cashlorette recently published an interesting (Depressing? Terrifying?) piece listing the top five most (monetarily) valuable college majors of 2017. The dismal pay associated with the top five least valuable degrees makes an appearance as well. It’s not hard to guess what the bullets on each of those lists have in common. […]
Cursive’s Classroom Comeback
Don’t believe the myth. Cursive hasn’t gone the way of the dinosaurs. Handwriting might be facing a crisis, but it’s not extinct just yet. It’s true. In the United States and all over the world, penmanship is being abandoned. In a fast-paced world full of touchscreens and artificial intelligence, many people find it hard to […]
Free Gifted & Talented Seminar
Do you think your child might be gifted? Attend one of our free G&T seminars! Multiple locations throughout NYC. East Village – Tuesday, October 10th, at 7:00pm Rego Park – Wednesday, October 11th at 7:00pm Park Slope – Thursday, October 12th at 7:00pm Grasmere – Tuesday, October 17th at 7:00pm Williamsburg – Thursday, October 19th […]
New Study Confirms FasTracKids Preschool Leads The Way
We’ve long known how powerful exposing children to academics at a young age can be for their scholastic growth. We’ve written several articles about it over the last few months. Finally, more and more educators and schools are catching on to the STEAM phenomenon – realizing that teaching early childhood Math, English Engineering and more […]
FasTracKids to be Adopted by Latvian Public Schools!
We have really exciting news! Now you may already know that FasTracKids has programs running in over 50 countries world wide, but our CEO Nancy Faunce has just made incredible progress for education in Latvia. FasTracKids CEO Nancy Faunce presented on bridging from pre-school to primary school at ZRKAC center in Jelgava, Latvia. The full presentation […]
[JUNE] Summer Camp Weeks Added at Grasmere Location
New June Summer STE(A)M Adventure Topics June 12th – 16th – Natural Science June 19th – 23rd – Earth Science June 26th – 30th – Creativity Half Day Summer Program for Students 3-5 year old Schedule 9:00am – 10:00am Academic Enrichment (for 4-5 year old’s) Handwriting Without Tears (3 year old’s) 10:00am – 12:00pm STEAM […]
FasTracKids & BoomKidz; Together in Charleston (Staten Island)
Its official. BoomKidz is now a partner and will be part of the 2017 Charleston, Staten Island Summer Camp program! Our Summer STE(A)M Adventure is already great, now this to top it off? How cool. We are thrilled to partner with BoomKidz, a multi-purpose activity center in the shopping center adjacent to our Charleston […]
FasTracKids Develops Critical Thinking Skills
A recent article on Edutopia discusses how we define critical thinking in today’s educational world and how we can develop critical thinking skills in our students. We have been developing critical thinking skills in NYC students for over a decade. The FasTracKids program innately develops these skills in students enrolled in our classes. The Edutopia […]