STEM/STEAM Is In The ‘House!’
The White House Calls, We Answer. Our programs address the latest STEM initiative set forth by the federal government. Each bullet point laid out in the article is met by the features of one if not more of our programs.
Our G&T 101 class is a prime example of sparking awareness in children ages 3 – 7. The two-hour class meets once a week to discover and explore topics like science, art, engineering, technology, biology and more. Children that complete our G&T 101 class have a scientifically proven academic and life-skills advantage against children that have not been exposed to an awareness program like ours.
Communication, also mentioned in the Guiding Principles, is increasingly important in an era accelerating technology. Children must learn how to speak and communicate their ideas quickly and effectively, or they may be left behind as they grow older and enter into society. Since information is moving so fast these days, interpretation is key. Children must be able to interpret the information and form a response faster than ever to keep up with their peers, locally and globally.
As mentioned in the Education Week article, the federal guiding principles state that adults’ perspective on STEM has a direct influence on children’s beliefs and attitudes about STEM. The adults that work in our centers – both administrators and teachers – hold a positive attitude and perspective on STEM/STEAM learning. This is imperative to a successful STEM program. If the teachers do not line up with the guiding principles, children will not receive a genuine, complete STEM learning experience.
While this is a small introduction to how our program is aligned with the U.S. federal education agenda, you may learn more about our programs by using the buttons below or scheduling a free trial class!